Presentation Training for Teams & Individuals

When you are presenting to an audience, whether it is one person or thousands, it is crucial that you communicate a well-built story, deliver it effectively, engage your listeners, and skillfully handle questions and any push back you might get.

Victoria personally leads all sessions, and each program is designed to address your specific situation. All sessions are active, on-your-feet, real-time working sessions. Together, you will hone your content to make sure it communicates what you need to say as well as what the audience will benefit from hearing. Victoria will coach your delivery so that you are comfortable, confident and natural, whether presenting in person, virtually or in pre-recorded messages. She can work with you at your location or virtually.

No one has trouble identifying a great speaker. But until I worked with Victoria, the elements that make one person great and another only so-so were a mystery to me. She has demystified the whole process; Victoria parsed the formula and made it understandable and doable.
— Brooke McMurray
Board Chair
Safe Horizon

Real-life presentation scenarios

You’ve got one chance to present your findings to the FDA…

The outcome of the meeting is a yes or a no. There is a lot riding on what happens for you, the team, the company and the patients you serve.

Victoria, you worked your magic again. I watched the FDA presentation rehearsal on Thursday and then Gail’s performance on Friday. It was absolutely astounding. You are such an asset for us and we continue to delight in seeing the positive outcomes you give us. And the Advisory Committee voted 7 to 1 in our favor!
— Julie Fisher
VP, US Neuroscience Marketing and Global Psychiatry Commercial Strategy
Pfizer, Inc.

You’re heading up the team responsible for turning around the lukewarm reception your last big presentation received from the client…

Your team is brilliant, but certain key members get lost in the details and can’t bring the content to life.

Victoria provided very clear direction and inspiration to the presenters helping them crystalize their content and delivery for maximum impact. As a result we won a $2 million assignment in competition against strong, well-established rivals.
— Robert Buccino
Senior VP Director of Corporate Development
Grey Healthcare Group

You’re managing a group of scientists…

They are at the top of their field, but when presenting they tend to give all the information available, rather than build a strategic argument structured for the specific audience.

Victoria’s deep knowledge about communication and presence was highly effective in transforming the team’s ability to translate science and data to all audiences.
— Amy Rudolph
Head of Global Medical Affairs
Boehringer Ingelheim

You are preparing your remarks for your fundraising gala…

You will have a short time at the podium to gain the audience’s support. You need to shine a light on the importance of the work your organization does, inspire the audience to get involved, and encourage them to donate generously.

Rather than just give the data and facts, Victoria taught me how to craft a story that helps people appreciate the important work we do for patients, caregivers, and the global medical community. She got me to where I can stand at the podium comfortably, and confidently deliver my remarks.
— Andrea Ferris
President and Chief Executive Officer